搬瓦工 CN2 GIA Network 官方介绍 (电信 163/CN2 GT/CN2 GIA 优缺点)

搬瓦工官网(点击前往官网)上线了一个页面,介绍 CN2 GIA Network,也就是 CN2 GIA 网络。搬瓦工 CN2 GIA 网络也是非常出名的,可能是目前市面上带宽最大的洛杉矶 CN2 GIA VPS 套餐,带宽从 2.5Gbps 起,最高高达 10Gbps。这次看到搬瓦工官方页面介绍了电信 163、CN2 GT、CN2 GIA 等线路的优缺点,以及搬瓦工 CN2 GIA 线路的一些优势,DC6、DC9 机房的区别等。感觉介绍的还挺详细,所以搬瓦工中文网特地在此翻译分享。

一、搬瓦工 CN2 GIA Network 介绍页

目前我们进入搬瓦工首页之后,就可以看到这个 CN2 GIA Network 介绍页。(点击前往官网查看

下面是原文翻译 + 搬瓦工中文网进行的一些优缺点整理,基本上不影响原文意思,但是更清晰的整理出优缺点。

相关介绍:《搬瓦工中国电信直连 CN2 GIA、CN2 GT 和普通 163 线路的区别》。

二、中国 IP 中转类型

中国有三大 IP 中转运营商:中国电信(China Telecom,CT,目前市场份额最大)、中国联通(China Unicom,CU)和中国移动国际(China Mobile International,CMI)。他们为中国住宅客户、企业客户以及移动客户提供服务。

这些公司中的每一家都提供从便宜到非常昂贵的多层 IP 传输。每一层都有一个特定的目的,并有自己的一系列问题。

最重要的是,这三个网络之间的对等安排并不简单。例如,对于中美方向,中国电信早在 2019 年就停止与 CU 和 CMI 对等,这导致网络设计的复杂性增加。

除上述问题外,供应商在与中国运营商合作时还必须面对许多其他与 IP 传输相关的问题。

三、CN2 GIA 网络

中国电信的 CN2 GIA 网络解决了一个非常具体的问题:往返中国航线的服务质量。

如果您的目标受众是中国,您可能已经知道向中国访问者提供网络内容可能具有挑战性。例如,普通 IP 中转通道在高峰时段拥塞(超载),丢包率达到 30% 以上。


无需过多赘述,中国电信提供了 3 种 IP 中转选项。

选项 1. AS4134 (ChinaNet/163 Net)

ChinaNet 是大多数云运营商使用的最常见的往返中国的数据传输方式。这个网络有两个优点

  1. 它非常便宜,
  2. 而且它的容量允许承受相当大的 DDoS 攻击,如果你需要持续的 DDoS 保护,这可能是一个更好的选择。


选项 2. AS4809 CN2 GT(全球中转)

最初引入该网络是为了解决拥塞问题。它比 AS4134/Chinanet 贵得多,但它应该能保证体面的服务水平。

不幸的是,自 2019 年以来,它已经变得与 AS4134 一样拥挤,尽管它的成本要高得多。

公平地说,在 2021 年,我们看到了 ChinaNet 和 CN2 GT 网络的显着改进。

选项 3. AS4809 CN2 GIA(全球互联网接入)

CN2 GIA 是往返中国的最昂贵的数据传输方式。尽管多年来,我们观察到该网络出现的问题最少;它非常稳定。(优点)



  1. 正如我们提到的,第一个缺点是成本非常高。 CN2 GIA 的 IP 传输价格可高达每兆位 120 美元。因此,实际上,在某些市场上,使用此网络上的 1 Gbps 连接,您可以预期一个月会收到大约 100,000 美元的账单。
  2. 第二个缺点:容量非常有限。即使花费高昂的价格,也很难获得。由于容量有限,CN2 GIA 网络不能容忍 DDoS 攻击。

四、Bandwagon Host 的 CN2 GIA 网络

在洛杉矶,我们在两个数据中心运行 8 x 10 Gbe CN2 GIA 链路。结合我们与 Google 和洛杉矶其他当地运营商的直接连接,我们可以为您的业务提供坚如磐石的解决方案。您可以选择您喜欢的数据中心,也可以随时在数据中心之间迁移现有服务,而不会丢失任何数据。

数据中心 USCA_6(DC6 CN2 GIA-E)提供最佳的整体网络容量和稳定性。所有去往中国的流量都发送到 CN2 GIA 网络(包括中国联通和中国移动路由)。入站与中国移动没有直接对等;因此中国移动延迟增加。

数据中心 USCA_9(DC9 CN2 GIA)在入口处提供直接的中国移动连接。但是,出站路由不同:LAX 中没有直接的本地对等互连;相反,所有出站流量都直接发送到中国电信。这会为某些中国目的地提供更好的路线。

我们还在香港和日本提供 CN2 GIA,但这些市场的成本要高得多。

由于容量有限,我们不会在我们的主页上公开宣传 CN2 GIA 服务。相反,请使用可用服务的完整列表来选择 CN2 GIA 计划。使用页内搜索在页面上查找“GIA”。

请注意,基于香港和日本的 CN2 GIA 计划将花费更多; 因此,如果延迟不是问题,请考虑使用洛杉矶(电子商务计划)。

五、搬瓦工 CN2 GIA-E 电子商务套餐

介绍了这么多,下面是搬瓦工 CN2 GIA-E 电子商务套餐,上面说的这么多介绍,都是在说这个套餐。

  1. 搬瓦工购买教程:《2021 年最新搬瓦工购买教程和支付宝支付教程
  2. 搬瓦工优惠码:BWHCGLUKKB
日本软银 JPOS_1
荷兰 EUNL_9
圣何塞 CN2 GIA
加拿大 CN2 GIA


弗里蒙特 FMT
新泽西 USNJ
纽约 USNY_2
纽约 USNY_6
荷兰 EUNL_3
加拿大 CABC_1
迪拜 AEDXB_1
CN2 GIA-E2GB3核40GB2TB2.5Gbps$89.99/季度
CN2 GIA-E4GB4核80GB3TB2.5Gbps$56.99/月
CN2 GIA-E8GB6核160GB5TB5Gbps$86.99/月
CN2 GIA-E16GB8核320GB8TB5Gbps$159.99/月
CN2 GIA-E32GB10核640GB10TB10Gbps$289.99/月
CN2 GIA-E64GB12核1280GB12TB10Gbps$549.99/月
CN2 GIA-E64GB12核1280GB12TB10Gbps$549.99/月

包括目前的限量版套餐也是:《搬瓦工洛杉矶 CN2 GIA-E 新款限量版套餐补货通知 $89.99/年》。



温馨提醒 如果您有选择困难症,直接选中间的 CN2 GIA-E方案,季付 $49.99,多达 12 个机房任意切换
1GB2核20GB1TB1GbpsDC3 CN2
1GB2核20GB1TB2.5Gbps美国 DC6 CN2 GIA-E
美国 DC9 CN2 GIA
日本软银 JPOS_1
荷兰 EUNL_9
美国圣何塞 CN2 GIA
加拿大 CN2 GIA
CN2 GIA-E2GB3核40GB2TB2.5Gbps$89.99/季度
2GB2核40GB0.5TB1Gbps中国香港 CN2 GIA
日本东京 CN2 GIA
日本大阪 CN2 GIA
新加坡 CN2 GIA
OSAKA2GB2核40GB0.5TB1.5Gbps日本大阪 CN2 GIA$49.99/月
搬瓦工优惠码:BWHCGLUKKB搬瓦工购买教程:《2024 年最新搬瓦工购买教程和支付宝支付教程


  • 入门:洛杉矶 CN2 套餐,目前最便宜,可选 CN2 GT 机房,入门之选。
  • 推荐:洛杉矶 CN2 GIA-E 套餐,速度超快,可选机房多(DC6、DC9、日本软银、荷兰联通等),性价比最高。
  • 高端:香港 CN2 GIA 套餐,价格较高,但是无可挑剔。


  1. 搬瓦工新手入门:《搬瓦工新手入门完全指南:方案推荐、机房选择、优惠码和购买教程(推荐阅读)
  2. 搬瓦工购买教程:《2021 年最新搬瓦工购买教程和支付宝支付教程
  3. 搬瓦工优惠码:BWHCGLUKKB
  4. 搬瓦工补货通知:《欢迎订阅搬瓦工补货通知(补货提醒)/ 加入搬瓦工交流群
  5. 搬瓦工方案推荐:《搬瓦工高性价比 VPS 推荐:目前哪款方案最值得买?


六、搬瓦工 CN2 GIA Network 英文原文

下面是搬瓦工 CN2 GIA Network 介绍英文原文(点击前往官网查看)。

Types of China IP transit

There are three major IP transit carriers in China: China Telecom (CT, which has the most market share by far), China Unicom (CU), and China Mobile International (CMI). They serve Chinese residential customers, enterprise customers, as well as mobile clients.

Each one of these companies offers several tiers of IP transit ranging from inexpensive to very expensive. Each tier serves a specific purpose and comes with its own set of issues.

On top of that, peering arrangements between these 3 networks are not straightforward. For example, for China–to–USA direction, China Telecom stopped peering with CU and CMI back in 2019, which resulted in added complexity for network design.

In addition to the above, there is a number of other IP transit related issues a provider has to face when working with China-based carriers.


CN2 GIA Network

China Telecom’s CN2 GIA network solves a very specific problem: quality of service on routes to/from China.

If your target audience is China, you probably already know that serving web content to Chinese visitors can be challenging. For example, regular IP transit channels are congested (overloaded) during peak hours, with packet loss rates reaching 30% or more.

With this amount of packet loss, it is nearly impossible to reliably serve web content to Chinese audiences, in Mainland China. In other words, packet loss can have a severe impact on your business.

Without going too much into the details, China Telecom provides 3 options for IP transit.


Option 1. AS4134 (ChinaNet/163 Net).

ChinaNet is the most common way to transfer data to/from China which most cloud operators use. This network has two advantages: it is very cheap, and its capacity allows to tank pretty large DDoS attacks, which could make it a better choice if you need constant DDoS protection.

The downside is, it is congested, especially during peak hours.


Option 2. AS4809 CN2 GT (Global Transit)

Originally this network was introduced to address congestion issues. It is much more expensive than AS4134/Chinanet, but it was supposed to guarantee a decent level of service.

Unfortunately, since 2019, it has become pretty much as congested as AS4134, even despite its much higher cost.

To be fair, in 2021 we have seen significant improvements to both, ChinaNet and CN2 GT networks.


Option 3. AS4809 CN2 GIA (Global Internet Access)

CN2 GIA is the most expensive way to transfer data to/from China. Although, over the years, we have observed the least amount of problems with this network; it is very stable.

This is the network you want to use for serving web content, etc, as it will provide the best stability.

There are two significant downsides to this network.

The first downside, as we mentioned, is its very high cost. IP transit prices for CN2 GIA can go as high as $120 per megabit. So in practical terms, you can expect to get an approximately $100,000 bill for one month for a 1 Gbps connection on this network in some markets.

The second downside: very limited capacity. It is very, very hard to get, even at an exorbitant cost. As a consequence of limited capacity, the CN2 GIA network is not tolerant to DDoS attacks.


Bandwagon Host’s CN2 GIA Network

In Los Angeles, we operate 8 x 10 Gbe CN2 GIA links across two datacenters. Combined with our direct peering to Google and other local carriers in Los Angeles, we can offer a rock-solid solution for your business. You can pick which datacenter you prefer, as well as migrate an existing service between datacenters at any time, without any data loss.

Datacenter USCA_6 offers the best overall network capacity and stability. All China-bound traffic is sent to the CN2 GIA network (this includes China Unicom and China Mobile routes). There is no direct peering with China Mobile on the inbound; therefore China Mobile latency is increased.

Datacenter USCA_9 offers direct China Mobile connectivity on the ingress. However, the outbound routing is different: there is no direct local peering in LAX; instead, all outbound traffic is sent directly to China Telecom. This results in better routing for some China destinations.

We also offer CN2 GIA in Hong Kong and Japan, though costs are much higher in those markets.

Due to limited capacity, we do not openly advertise CN2 GIA services on our home page. Instead, please use the complete list of available services to pick a CN2 GIA plan. Use in-page search to look for ‘GIA’ on the page.

Note that Hong Kong and Japan based CN2 GIA plans are going to cost much more; therefore if latency is not an issue, consider using Los Angeles (eCommerce plans).

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