今天看到搬瓦工上线了一个 Rewards Program,翻译成中文就是奖励计划。搬瓦工奖励计划这个东西是个新鲜事物,所以本文第一时间介绍一下这个奖励计划有什么用处,会给大家带来什么好处。主要就是两点,首先是消费可以返积分,其次是积分可以用来下次消费的时候抵扣账单或者可以直接提现。
需要注意的是,目前搬瓦工奖励计划还处于 Early Access 阶段,也就是随时会有改变。不过我们仍然可以激活体验一下,毕竟激活之后的消费都是会有积分的。
一、搬瓦工 Rewards Program 介绍
搬瓦工 Rewards Program 地址:https://bwh81.net/rewards
Bandwagon Host Rewards Program
Note: Rewards Program is in Early Access. Expect frequent changes and adjustments made to the program.
Earn 1 point for each $1 spent on new service orders or service renewals.
Earn additional bonus points for keeping your services active for longer period of time.
Use earned points to:
- Pay for services at a rate of 1 point = $0.01
- Transfer to another client account
- Withdraw via Paypal at a rate of 1 point = $0.0072
Activate Rewards Account
Participation in this Program is free and voluntary.
注意:奖励计划处于抢先体验阶段。 期望对程序进行频繁的更改和调整。
在新服务订单或服务续订上每花费 1 美元可赚取 1 点积分。
- 以 1 点的费率支付服务费用 = 0.01 美元
- 转移到另一个客户账户
- 通过 Paypal 以 1 点的汇率取款 = 0.0072 美元
目前搬瓦工专门写了个一个 ToS 页面来解读这个奖励计划,我们一起来看一下写了什么。
Bandwagon Host Rewards Program Terms and Conditions
Participation in the Rewards Program is free of charge and is optional.
The accumulation of points begins when the Rewards account is activated. There is no retroactive effect; points will not be credited for invoices paid before client activates the Rewards program and agrees with these Terms.
Points are earned on Eligible transactions only.
Eligible transactions: purchase of a new VPS service; renewal of an existing VPS service.
Non-eligible transactions: any other transactions not specified under Eligible transactions, such as, but not limited to, Add Credit/Add Funds type of transactions, billing for supplemental services such as IP address changes etc.
Points are credited 38 calendar days after the Eligible transaction occurred, and provided that no refund was issued for the original transaction.
There is no cap on how many points an account can earn or accumulate.
Minimum redemption amount: 100 Points.
Points have no cash value.
Points do not expire for as long as there is at least one Eligible transaction in the client account within a calendar year, or one transaction involving points (redemption or transfer to another account). If there have been no such transactions within a calendar year, all points will expire on January 1 of the subsequent year.
These Terms form an addendum to our standard Terms of Service. This Rewards program is available to all Clients whose accounts are in good standing.
We reserve the right to make changes to these Terms at any time without notice.
Intended use of BandwagonHost Rewards Program
The Program is intended to allow customers to collect Points and use them towards purchases of new services, renew existing services, transfer to another client account (subject to availability), or withdraw via PayPal (subject to availability).
Prohibited uses
It is prohibited to use the Program in any manner and for any purpose which could contradict the Intended use described above.
We will disable access to the Program and forfeit all accumulated points under all associated accounts if we suspect, in our sole discretion, that an account is in violation of these Terms, or our main Terms of Service.
Bandwagon Host 奖励计划条款和条件
符合条件的交易:购买新的 VPS 服务;现有 VPS 服务的续费。
不合格交易:合格交易中未指定的任何其他交易,例如但不限于添加信用/添加资金类型的交易、IP 地址更改等补充服务的计费等。
积分将在符合条件的交易发生后 38 个日历日内记入,前提是原始交易没有退款。
最低兑换金额:100 积分。
只要客户账户在一个日历年内至少有一次合格交易,或一次涉及积分的交易(兑换或转移到另一个账户),积分就不会过期。如果一个日历年内没有此类交易,所有积分将在下一年的 1 月 1 日到期。
BandwagonHost 奖励计划的预期用途
该计划旨在允许客户收集积分并将其用于购买新服务、续订现有服务、转移到另一个客户帐户(视情况而定)或通过 PayPal 取款(视情况而定)。
- 没有追溯效力;在客户激活奖励计划并同意这些条款之前支付的发票不会记入积分。
- 符合条件的交易:购买新的 VPS 服务;现有 VPS 服务的续费。
- 最低兑换金额:100 积分。
如下图所示,激活后看到 Balance 是 0.00 points,意思就是没有积分。哪怕是续费之后目前也没有显示,因为要等待 38 天。
Rewards Account
Balance: 0.00 points
Welcome to your new Rewards account!
There are no transactions yet. Please check back later.
Please keep in mind that points are credited with a 38-day delay from the invoice date. For more information please refer to the Terms and Conditions of the Rewards Program.
余额:0.00 点
目前还没有交易。 请稍后再回来查看。
请记住,自发票日期起,积分会延迟 38 天计入。 如需更多信息,请参阅奖励计划的条款和条件。
限量版推荐:《2022 搬瓦工所有限量版套餐整理汇总:DC6/DC9/香港 HK85/悉尼》。
- 搬瓦工补货通知 QQ 群 8(全员禁言,仅发送通知):697178487
- 搬瓦工补货通知 QQ 群 9(全员禁言,仅发送通知):554576821
- 搬瓦工补货通知 QQ 群 10(全员禁言,仅发送通知):451796455
- 搬瓦工补货通知 TG 群:@BandwagonHostNews
- 搬瓦工补货通知邮件订阅 1:点击订阅(Google Groups)
- 搬瓦工补货通知邮件订阅 2:点击此处提交邮箱地址
搬瓦工补货通知:《欢迎订阅搬瓦工补货通知(补货提醒)/ 加入搬瓦工交流群》。
方案 | 内存 | CPU | 硬盘 | 流量/月 | 带宽 | 推荐机房 | 价格 | 购买 |
KVM (最便宜) | 1GB | 2核 | 20GB | 1TB | 1Gbps | DC2 AO DC8 ZNET | $49.99/年 | 购买 |
KVM | 2GB | 3核 | 40GB | 2TB | 1Gbps | $52.99/半年 $99.99/年 | 购买 | |
CN2 GIA-E (最推荐) | 1GB | 2核 | 20GB | 1TB | 2.5Gbps | 美国 DC6 CN2 GIA-E 美国 DC9 CN2 GIA 日本软银 JPOS_1 荷兰 EUNL_9 美国圣何塞 CN2 GIA 加拿大 CN2 GIA | $49.99/季度 $169.99/年 | 购买 |
CN2 GIA-E | 2GB | 3核 | 40GB | 2TB | 2.5Gbps | $89.99/季度 $299.99/年 | 购买 | |
HK (高端首选) | 2GB | 2核 | 40GB | 0.5TB | 1Gbps | 中国香港 CN2 GIA 日本东京 CN2 GIA 日本大阪 CN2 GIA 新加坡 CN2 GIA | $89.99/月 $899.99/年 | 购买 |
HK | 4GB | 4核 | 80GB | 1TB | 1Gbps | $155.99/月 $1559.99/年 | 购买 | |
OSAKA | 2GB | 2核 | 40GB | 0.5TB | 1.5Gbps | 日本大阪 CN2 GIA | $49.99/月 $499.99/年 | 购买 |
OSAKA | 4GB | 4核 | 80GB | 1TB | 1.5Gbps | $86.99/月 $869.99/年 | 购买 | |
搬瓦工优惠码:BWHCGLUKKB | 搬瓦工购买教程:《2025 年最新搬瓦工购买教程和支付宝支付教程》 |
- 入门:洛杉矶 CN2 套餐,目前最便宜,可选 CN2 GT 机房,入门之选。
- 推荐:洛杉矶 CN2 GIA-E 套餐,速度超快,可选机房多(DC6、DC9、日本软银、荷兰联通等),性价比最高。
- 高端:香港 CN2 GIA 套餐,价格较高,但是无可挑剔。东京 CN2 GIA 套餐也是非常不错的高端选择。
- 搬瓦工新手入门:《搬瓦工新手入门完全指南:方案推荐、机房选择、优惠码和购买教程》(推荐阅读)
- 搬瓦工购买教程:《2022 年最新搬瓦工购买教程和支付宝支付教程》
- 搬瓦工补货通知:《欢迎订阅搬瓦工补货通知(补货提醒)/ 加入搬瓦工交流群》
- 搬瓦工方案推荐:《搬瓦工高性价比 VPS 推荐:目前哪款方案最值得买?》
未经允许不得转载:Bandwagonhost中文网 » 搬瓦工 Rewards Program 奖励计划介绍:消费返积分,可抵现或提现